

Parent involvement is at the heart of the school. The school is administered by a parent run Board of Management but all parents and guardians are expected to get involved with school life. The school is one of your child’s first communities outside the family and it is important for them that they know you are part of that new community.

Parents make a huge impact here in Drumnigh. Parents are responsible for organising the Christmas reception, sports days and fundraising events. Parents accompany the children on school tours and participate in the snack and laundry rotas. We also rely on parents and family for professional services like website design, tech support, HR and legal advice as well as maintenance work on school facilities. Please let us know if there is a service you can offer the school!

Research shows that when parents volunteer and participate in school life, their children are better behaved, do better academically and are crucially happier than the children whose parents are not involved. A little goes a long way, and while not every parent is in a position to become a Board member, there are plenty of little ways to help the school out throughout the year.

We operate an open door policy and parents are encouraged to meet with the Directresses and discuss their child’s progress. A positive relationship between parents and the teaching staff is essential to the success of the school and building a strong community.